Helping Hands
Giving More Than The Music
I had the pleasure a few years ago to produce an album with Italy's top rock/pop group, MOMO Family. Fede, Daniel, and Marco came to Atlanta from Florence, Italy in the Fall of 2007 and spent the next two months at Groove Tunes Studios recording 14 songs of amazing music. One of the songs on their CD "Tomorrow" was conceived out of love for their fellow man and, in particular, for the children of the world. Taking their message a step further, MOMO released a video for the World Food Program (WFP), a branch of the United Nations.
Terri Brumit is a mother of twin sons who are currently stationed in Afghanistan along with their father. All three are in the Special Forces. Terri asked me to produce an album of original songs she had written. All the songs are dedicated to troops who are risking their lives overseas so that we can live our lives peacefully at home. Going the extra mile, Terri recently flew to Washington DC to personally hand out copies of her latest single, "Still a Warrior", to injured soldiers at Walter Reed and Bethesda Hospitals.